

Saturday, May 28, 2011

....the end of what ???

The question as to why the end of the world didn't start happening on May 21st, is a simple one. It didn't happen because the people who predicted this "didn't occur" disaster, had absolutely no evidential basis to back their claim.   All scientists (people who actually know science)  can do is speculate, and if you think you are living  during an   "end of times" scenario, you really need to change your life priorities.  Who really cares when the planet will go KABOWIE, because we really should be enjoying the life we have and the beauty and joy it brings.  Spending your time predicting silly things like the end of the world is a waste of precious time.  Hey, take it from me...I am a dog and I am Ralphy.  Who knows better??

...gio pics

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

...spoiled Bananas

I would like to think of my life as this precious gift ...with a shelf life.  There are these bananas on our kitchen counter, about 8, and I know in a day or two at least some will be thrown out because they will have spoiled.  Now the ones that were eaten, well I can tell you, those bananas fulfilled their purpose.  Thinking about my own life, I hope I am like the unspoiled bananas. I want to be able to say my life had a purpose and I lived my life to the fullest.  Some of us sadly are like the bananas being thrown out...we have a life, but we don't appreciate it or we just are too blind to see that our time here is so very brief.  What I hope for everyone, is to be the top banana and take full advantage of your precious gift....your life.     

See ya.................Ralphy...

...Myrtle Spring Blooms

Monday, May 16, 2011

...magic Spring

The simple colors surrounding springtime are nothing less than magnificent.  Each season has its special qualities and the new life, the scent of lilac, and the colors adorning a cherry blossom tree are the just a smattering of what Spring brings to us.  The sounds of the chirping robins, the screaming blue jay, and the melodious tune of the cardinal is another part of springtime tradition.  The secret of enjoying all that spring has to offer, is to go outside, breathe in the air, look and listen.  You need do nothing else and the wonder of the season will be upon you.  Love it.....I do.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

...Resting for..........I don't know.

Sometimes I just don't have that "get up and go" attitude. 

...Bored, but Content

...On the Doorsteps of Heaven

Book Details

Take a look at this book of mine. It truly is an interesting story. Thanks....Jim

All you have to do is click on the  Book Details and it will take you to the Doorsteps website.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Maybe it's just me, but a super spring day just suits me fine.  It is a wonderful time to be me.