

Monday, April 30, 2012

...lakeside beauty

This particular flower was living at the edge of Burt Lake which is located in upper Michigan in the lower peninsula.  Really beautiful.  Hope you like it.    jimmy.....bye

Sunday, April 29, 2012

...the amazing dogwood

I know I have been doing the dogwood pics with some consistency, but this one is really....in my humble opinion.........amazing...........hope you like it............jimmy

,,,end of the lion for these dandy's

Thursday, April 26, 2012

...misunderstood flower

I was talking to a friend some time ago concerning a particular individual.  He was commenting how eccentric and strange this person was.  Come to find out, he actually never talked to this person at all and frankly didn't know anything about him. He was basing his opinions on what others had told him and compartmentalized the information as the truth.  Fortunately I was able to get to know this person and found him to be a truly remarkable human being.  He was not a weed.  I know some of us want to have plush manicured green lawns and the invasion of dandelions can be distressing... but don't judge this flower.....did I say flower?  The glorious yellow color and the simple but pleasant shape makes a dandelion a thing of beauty.  Some say it is simply a weed, but judge it on its beauty and you will see a flower too.  Treat people for who they are and the weed you thought they were will disappearGuess what?  .....your life just got better!  Peace...........jimmy

...the test

The simple and true test of love...what would it be?  When you have something long enough getting tired or bored with it is a rather normal attitude.  I see Ralphy everyday and have been doing that for several years....but tired of him I am not.  In fact looking forward to seeing him when I come home from work is an "always", not a "once in awhile" kind of thing.  That is my test....thanks Ralphy for reminding me how much I love you and how much I always will.  I love my life, and Ralphy has made it so much better.   Peace.............jim

...add the frosting please

I am not sure what it is, but I really love this particular Dogwood photo. It was taken late in the day, and the shadows appeared to be playing hide and seek as a cool breeze pushed its way thru the tree. The sounds, feel and smell of this crisp evening simply added the frosting to this memorable pic. PEACE.........JIMMY

....pink please

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

...the simple beauty of nature

The dogwood this spring sure has gotten my attention, only because it has been kind enough to share its simple beauty.  We all have goodness and beauty within us...why don't you share it with someone today?    Peace.............jimmy

Monday, April 23, 2012

...purple please

 I call these flowers purple, but  you can label them whatever variation you want.
amaranthine, amethyst, blue-violet, bluish red, color, heliotrope, lavender, lilac, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, periwinkle, perse, plum, pomegranate, reddish blue, violaceous, violet, wine.
Well, you get the idea............for me...purple please.  See ya.............jimmy

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Understanding ...What is a Toroidal Vortex

A toroidal vortex ring is a region of rotating water moving through the same or different fluid where the pattern takes on a toroidal (doughnut) shape.  Who produces a toroidal vortex or bubble....
see for yourself.  Click on link just below.  

...Torodial Bubbles....quite extraordinary...Cool !

Click on below the word extraordinary...very cool


Saturday, April 21, 2012

...beholdn' beauties

Nature is one heck of an exterior designer. 

Friday, April 20, 2012


What do you want to do today?  First, I suppose you should do the things you have to do, but make sure you give yourself plenty of time to simply enjoy your life.  Get a hobby, visit a friend or a family member.  People, especially today need to curb the warp speed and taper down to impulse.  Allowing our lives to blur by and to not even enjoy the simple pleasure of an April tulip is a shame.  Your life (believe me) is much shorter than you think.  Settle down, smile and be happy...even if it is for a moment in time.  Simple.......really.   See ya.......jimmy

...just Ralphy

Ralphy is absolutely wonderful.  His warm and affable personality endears himself to so many people.  How can you not love him.  See ya............jimmy

...new york city 1997

Thursday, April 19, 2012

...sharing worms

Chances are, this particular robin knows the lay of the land when it comes to my backyard.  In a sense it's also his backyard, because he eats the worms in the ground as he pleases.  I don't mind sharing. The flowers create their own special kind of beauty and share them with my eyes.  Springtime apparently is a opportune time to share.  Giving something of yours to someone else is the nature of mutual respect and caring.  Share your kind heart with a person who is cold with hurt and needs the warmth only a heart can give.  Peace...........jimmy 

...b & w.....with color

I like the "feel" of a black & white with the subject being in color.  This particular photo is a wonderful example of why I am fond of this method.  Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I do.
See ya.............jimmy

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

...grazin' in the grass

Ralphy here.....I'm not at all lazy, but the feel of soft green grass underneath me is quite nice.  So instead of running around like a mad dog...for a few lovely moments, I think I will just lie here and relax.  You should too.  Bow wow...........Ralphy

Burt Lake Michigan 2011

I was fortunate to catch this bird as he turned his head toward the sunlight.  Really nice.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

...it never really ends

When it comes to photo opportunities...it never really ends.  Imagination and the desire to capture an interesting subject is the solution.  See ya.............jimmy

...see for yourself

I never get tired or bored when it comes to observing the simple but stunning beauty of a flower.  Fortunate would be the word to describe my life...fortunate enough to witness the unfolding of nature...and its complex simplicity.  Don't take my word....venture outside and see for yourself.  Bye Bye.............jimmy

Monday, April 16, 2012


If I'm lucky, sometimes a photograph just comes out pretty darn close to perfect.  I love this one because it is so brilliant in color and clarity.  I am at best an occasional golfer, and once in awhile I stand at the tee and take a swing only to see the ball race to the air long and straight.  This by the way happens on the rarest occasions...ha ha...but when it does it makes the trip to the golf course worthwhile.  Same with this particular photo...it made all the bad ones disappear in my memory and reason to go back out and search for another perfect pic.  See ya....jimmy

...another look

Once in awhile it doesn't hurt to show a different look in yourself.  We all have many interesting sides to ourselves, but oft times the tendency is to be status quo.  It's safer...but just not as much fun.  Show off what you can do, or if you desire for difference...go for it.  Trying for another look is an admirable endeavor. See ya...........jimmy

Sunday, April 15, 2012

...today's catch

Today's catch is a mix of a moth, a lilac and an unknown plant with nice looking white flowers.  The bottom pic was taken on a macro setting, because the flowers themselves are quite small.  The lilacs really smell nice and sure look great with the light and deep purples.  I did say moth and I do believe it is a moth, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong.  Anyway he obviously loves lilacs too. 

...lucky you

If for some fortuitous dumb luck you just happened upon this blog....don't hit the delete button.  I have been running  onthedoorsteps.blogspot.com for a couple of years now and hopefully the content is improving.  Onthedoorsteps might just show up on your email each time I post.  Of course you can UNSUBSCRIBE, but if you find it in your heart, please give it a chance.  My own agenda for this blog is simply to share some photos I enjoy and occasionally ramble a bit with things I am thinking about.  If you are on Google +, you can see quite a few photo albums.  Feedback from you would be welcome.  Have a good day.............see ya....jimmy 

...photo surprise

I wasn't paying attention to the red Japanese Maple tree in the background when I took this photo.  It created a nice contrast in color to the otherwise pervasive green.  I am finding out, photo surprises are one of the best things about photography.  See ya.............jimmy

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


You never know who your neighbors are until you meet them.  Hmmmm....makes sense. Anyway Ralphy and I met a couple of those neighbors today.  I'm glad they like spending time in our yard.

...carousel of change

Nature is just a never ending carousel of change and wonder.  Don't take it for granted...but definitely love it.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

...more special than ever

Ralphy is the "I don't know dog"....I don't know how I could ever find a dog companion with so much gentleness and soul.  He has my eternal gratitude.  Thank you Ralphy....jim

...something nice

There is always something nice about simple "stuff".  It doesn't have to be dramatic, but it simply has to make you feel good.  Since I am not a world traveler  I choose to find the everyday beauty that exists  in the towns and neighborhoods we live in.  Not bad really.