

Thursday, December 30, 2010

...a lifetime of wonder

We do keep track of our lives by counting the days, weeks, months and years, but maybe keeping tabs on numbers probably is a senseless chore.  My life is a series of events and those events usually encounter people....family....friends.  The true worth of ourselves is the richness given and taken from others.  Some people have very short lives, but contribute an old person's lifetime of wonder, while some people reach the olden years but have nothing  in the cupboard.  Embrace your relationships rather than your possessions, because "things" disappear.  Solid, meaningful and loving relationships tend to last far beyond the grave and it would seem to me a better way to have existed.  Ralphy shown here is "only a dog", but his emotional impact on my family and friends will go on for years to come after he is not with us anymore.  His love is what makes him such a noble individual.  As a person, I hope my impact, like Ralphy's, will be just as meaningful and wonderful.  Don't underestimate  the power of love, whether it is from a person.............or a dog.   Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

...Christmas Moments to Cherish

I couldn't imagine Christmas without the cold and snow.  It would be like Abbott without Costello.  Of course Christmas is celebrated all over the world, many of those places without the kind of weather we experience here in Michigan.  Then I begin to realize as I always do this time of year, it is the people we are surrounded by that make the Christmas Holiday so special.  Persons we love...family and friends are the true spirit of Christmas.  We should cherish our times together because time knows no senimentality and leaves our moments behind us.  I have always promised myself to live in those precious moments as best I can and to also remember the feelings of closeness and love I have been able to share with others.  Merry Christmas 2010, from me to you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

...quit horsing around


Friday, December 3, 2010

...the magic of Christmas

Christmas has a way of bringing out the best...and worst in us.    Christmas  is the celebration of the birthday of Christ, but I have come to know it more for a time to show my family, friends and even persons I don't know... the love I have for them.    Sounds awfully corny...silly if you will, but I am glad the Christmas season allows me and others to be more outward in showing feelings of goodness and joy.  Many of us though get caught up in the commercial aspect of Christmas and when that happens, the air in the "joy balloon" pops and drops to the ground in disappointment.  There are so many unfortunate persons in the world who need our compassion and helping hand.  In our own families and community, we know who these persons are.....some out of work trying to make ends meet, others with serious health issues, and there are a lot of lonely and depressed individuals who need us to empathize and show how much we care.  If all we are worried about is the "crazy" aspect of the Christmas season...you know.....rushing at warp speed on the roads to stores trying to buy "happiness", we will realize this is a road not well taken.  Well let me tell you, happiness is free and you can give it to those who lack it.  No gift is more special than the gift of love.  I wish we could just find the strength to realize that this is the only real truth and the only thing really worth its weight in gold.  Tell somebody today you care and you will be a better person for it.  Feuding with someone?  End it by talking over differences and compromising.  You will feel much better and you will also realize how animosity towards one another is a practice in futility and sadness.  Love Christmas because it is this holiday more than any other that will give you the opportunity to change your life and the lives of others.  We only get one go around in this world...don't waste it.

Gene Kelly--Singing in the Rain..............thank you Stacey

Kurt browning doing singing in the rain--thank you Stacey