

Monday, January 31, 2011

...aging beauty

..in the late summer of 2010 these sunflowers were magnificent beauties, but the fall and winter seasons have taken their obvious toll on them.............I still think they are wonderful.............remember, just because something gets old and withered, doesn't mean it is worthless..............think about it

Sunday, January 30, 2011

...Ralphy in Winter 2011

Who needs palm trees when you have all of this great white stuff. Ralphy doesn't mind the cold and to be honest, he loves ripping thru the snow. He is enjoying his life and that makes me happy.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

....giojimmy pic fun

I took a photo of the gourds above and then played around with them to get different effects.  I like them and thought maybe you might too.    jim

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

...standing tall

This silver maple in my backyard is unbelievably tall, wide and just plain huge.  Planted in 1941 as I have been told by the "planter", it has thrived and grown to quite the majestic tree.  Standing tall in the cold of winter, I can't help but admire it's determination to live and thrive.  Hey, it's a tree.............I know that.....but it's also amazing.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

...snow fun with Ralphy

From the time Ralphy was just a puppy, he has always enjoyed running about in the snow. He is a snow dog. It isn't unusual to see him push his nose into the snow and then flick his head up and see the white flakes fly into the frigid air. Hey, you've got to have fun somehow...right?
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

...january cold 2011

...if you live in Michigan and your are hanging around in January, you cannot escape the cold. .....you could complain about it, but what is the point....you are a Michigander and the seasons must do what they do....
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...ralphy 2011

...yes another pic for ralphy...........jgio
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Saturday, January 15, 2011


Even when we walk away from our present which becomes the past, we leave an imprint on our actions.  So it would be a very good idea for us to do the right things in life and allow our footprints to be something special. 

As a note....The snow was freshly fallen and as Ralphy ran out towards the back of the yard, I noticed the  perfect pawprints.  I took the pic and realized how he has left his footprints all over my life.  I hope to one day leave my foot prints behind and be proud of them.  Thanks Ralphy.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

.....elusive butterfly

...sometimes we encounter something special and fail to recognize its significance....don't miss out...be diligent and take advantage of your opportunities and don't allow them to flutter away

Saturday, January 1, 2011

...my New Year message to You 2011

Ok, now you know what I am doing on the first day of 2011.  I also plan on continuing this activity thru out the year if at all possible.  It's not that I am lazy or anything, it's just what a dog is supposed to do. 
Anyway, I am thinking....you know contemplating my place in the universe, devising plans for world peace, thinking of ways to invent a better doggie treat, and of course trying to figure out where I am going to lay down after I am thru laying down here.  So as you can plainly see, I am not what I may appear.  Happy New Year?
